הבניין בסמטת גבעון
תהליך התכנון
מעבר הדרגתי מרחוב לחלל הפרטי
אשקלון (מגדל)
Work Title
Built area
Designed by
Xian, China
80000 sqm
Architectural competition entry
Arch. Yaron Israel, Arch. Uzi Rabia, Arch. Bar Sisso, Arch. Fabio Vital

In a new complex planned in the suburbs of the city of Xi'an, a significant location for the train station was intended with a broad vision, placing mobility as a future destination that would allow for social and cultural dynamism.
The proposed railway station is located as part of an urban square surrounded by trade, employment, hotels and leisure and nature areas.
All the proposed functions are intertwined in a multi-level manner around the movement of the trains, thus combining different shades and rhythms of movement within a rich and sophisticated urban space.

In order to strengthen the expression of the idea of movement in the square, we examined how we can express movement in the static elements of the building. 5 Ways of expression of movement by graphic means common in literature and art constituted planning tools for the design of the structure: anterior tilt, stroboscopic position, lines of motion, dynamic balance and blurring of motion.
All of these give a sense of dynamism at all standards of planning and together with the movement of trains, vehicles and people are integrated into a rich urban occurrence.