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Work Title



Built area



Designed by

Ganey Ya'ar, Lod

400 sqm

Under construction

Arch. Yaron Israel, Arch. Bar Sisso

3 kindergarten classrooms are designed in the heart of a residential neighborhood in the city of Lod.

When we discussed how to design the kindergarten, we considered the most interesting event to be the process of change the child goes through every day as he comes from his home, from his family environment with his parents, reaches the kindergarten where he is handed over to the kindergarten teacher and then enter an environment full of children and play.

As an event we agreed that represents this concept of 'change' we've chosen the scene from Tim Burton's 'Alice in wonderland' in which Alice chases the rabbit and falls into the rabbit hole.

the use of film as a place to represent a place is interesting because it includes properties of space, events in that space and the temporality of the event. in the beginning of the scene Alice is in the real world where she chases the rabbit, reaches the rabbit hole, falls in to it and finally reaches wonderland.

We thought the scene expressed the process of change very clearly and so decided to map the way the place has been presented using cinematic tools. we mapped the location of the camera between shots, the movement of the camera, and the space seen in each shot within the boundaries of the frame.

The result is a 3-D mapping model. The model has become a spatial program the defines the design of the building, its circulation, and the the views designed between it's different parts and between its interior and exterior. This, together with the demands of the client, the local regulations and the limitations of the lot.

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